Student Ministry Mentorship

Student Ministry Mentorships are an opportunity for the next generation to be discipled and participate in hands-on ministry. Invest in yourself this summer by developing your God-given gifts, learning life building principals, and creating long lasting friendships with like minded believers.

In this 8-week mentorship program, you will be coached, developed, and discipled. Each ministry lead will provide ministry-specific training, personal coaching and feedback and hands on experience to help you grow into your God-given greatness. You will have unique opportunities and experience behind the scenes ministry including things like event planning, service coordinating, overseeing volunteers and more. 


Currently in 6th -12th grade (Grads are still applicable)

Applications must be submitted complete and on time

Able to make dates listed

In agreement with RealLife Church Values

$100 Mentorship Administrative Fee (To be paid within 7 - days of mentorship acceptance) 

Date & Time Requirements

March 16 Application Due

April 15 Acceptance Letters Processed

June 11 Start Day

July 30 Last Day

June 26-29 NTX Youth Camp

July 7-11 Mega Sports Camp

July 21-25 Survivor Camp

Sundays from 7:30am - 1pm (Rotation)

Wednesdays from 9am - 4pm & 6pm-8pm

Mentorship Perks

Student Ministry Mentorship T-Shirt

Lunch Provided every Wednesday

End of Mentorship trip to SeaWorld

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